Monthly Archives: November 2011


Losing a grandma on a sunny day..

Last week my closest friend lost her grandma. She was the eldest of the family and the first grand child. I could feel her pain since I have known her since pre-school. She was so attached to her grandma, who was a nurse, because when she was young her busy parents would usually let her grandma watch over her. She was always with her lola eventhough her lola would go to the hospital to work. She spent her childhood in the house of her grandma that was why when we met in school (Montessori de Oro), I also became close to Lola Mila. As we grow older, my friend decided to take up nursing since she wanted to be just like her lola. And now my friend is now a registered nurse, Lola Mila said it was the only thing she was waiting for, to pass her white uniform to her favorite apo. When she passed away I was there in the intensive care unit (ICU) comforting my friend because she was weeping badly. I told her that Lola Mila is now happy somewhere knowing that a lot of people truly cared for her and will remember her goodness all through the years.. Goodbye Lola, Thank you so much for the memories.

My baby can’t live without this something (mym)


Sometimes I feel jealous when my youngest child can’t seem to fall asleep without her pacifier. She stumbles and cries without it. It has been with her since the time I showed her the world. She couldn’t feel at ease without her yellow pacifier, the same way I could not imagine life without her and her older brother 🙂 from the name pacifier, only the two of them can actually pacify me 🙂Image