Monthly Archives: December 2011



I was hungry and God gave me fifty pesos to buy foodAmazing!

It was saturday. meaning, no class. yahoo! and of course i woke up late. i ate my breakfast at 9 o’clock in the morning and after that i started doing my usual saturday routines like sweeping, mopping and polishing the floor, organizing things, defrozing the ref, arranging the toys of my daughter Jaymee and when everything was set in place, i dozed off again.

i woke up again almost 2 hours after 12 noon. shempre, hastang gutoma na. i checked the freezer, naay ice. haha. i checked the vegetable basket, naay ahos ug bombay. then right beside the water pitcher ay isang itlog! oh my! makapaniudto ra jud ko. ug sa dihang humana’g hiwa ang lamas, i remember na hurot na man diay ang gasul. watda!

haayy. life wala pajud si mama, i was so alone 😦

by 3 o’clock in the afternoon, i went to bdo. kahibaw na gud ko na way sulod. i do not know why i was so positive of going there. i was hoping against hope na sana may laman ang account ko.. i was thinking na ‘basin diay naay namali padala ug sa akong account mapaingun. haha ;p ridiculous, right? so absurd.

as i was waiting for my turn on the atm, an old medium-sized woman aproached me and says “day tabangi unya ko palihug ani ha kay di ko kamao, mag-inquire ko kung naabot na ba ang padala sa akong anak.” so ayha ko nag-check sa akong account, gi-una nako iya and i was so like ohhhhhhhhhh and my eyes for sure digits, ang kwarta sa tigulang kay 586,346.89 in words five hundred eighty six thousand, three hundred forty six pesos and eighty nine centavos. hapit nitulo akong laway. ingun dayun sya, “day pag-withdraw ug four hundred” and i say “four hundred pesos nay?” then she answered “dili. four hundred thousand”. hapit nako matulon akong card. after nako gi-explain sa iya na kelangan nya over-the-counter kay dako ra kaayo, nilakaw sya. so it was my turn to check my balance. unya nalisang pud ko sa sulod sa akong account kay dako pa iyang last 3 digits. haha 😀

gigutom kog samot uyyyy…i was about to leave, nibalik ang tigulang. ingun sya na i-withraw na lang daw nya ang 5,000 para naa syay magamit. after nako na-withdraw ang 5,000 gitagaan dayun ko nya ug 50 pesos! ug akong gidawat. hehe 🙂 thank you nay!!!

and i thank God! bantug ra nga gipaadtu ko nya sa bdo maski way sulod akong account kay naa diay manghatag kwarta didto.. haha.

Ugma na pud God, aha man ta? 😀

 I was hungry …



Inhale deep

We all know life can get hectic but if you live in the second you exist in the present and thats how you stay connected. The good time and hardships if learned to just accept it,and know every struggle in life is there to teach you a lesson.Its times like this that make you, its always darkest part of the night right before the sun has its breakthrough.The spirits that are there to knock you down but if you make the end,you’ll never know the beauty of being able to stand up again.So face it,or patience the basis is dealing with judgments and hatred depressed hopeless feelings but ive been told that you only create your own ceiling; life is limitless and knowing this,this is what the spirit is.

Whatever direction life leads me,theres a purpose behind it;that’s what its suppose to be.At any given time you can turn over a new leaf,you all know the truth its up to you to use the key.

That’s why i inhale deep, so i can find peace and essence just find me. That’s why i lose myself in this piece and become one with my heart and set myself free… end

-just thoughts on my mind jotted down with my pen and my pad..hope you guys like this…

Life and Literature


Life and Literature

” I’d rather be a friendless loser than have a bunch of friends and hate me secretly..” – Massie Bloc

“People are stupid. They will believe a lie because they want to believe it’s true, or because they are afraid it might be true.” -WIZARD’S FIRST RULE

“Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.” –“MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA” BY ARTHUR GOLDEN

“Nothing changes when nothing changes.”- KC

CDO How are you???


CDO how are you? Xmas 2011 for most of the Cagayanons is the most horrible occasion of the year. Perhaps the most painful. Every time I hear stories from the victims about how they were able to save themselves, and how some of them lost their loved ones. I feel for those mothers who helplessly savors the wound of losing their children because of mother nature’s wrath. I cannot imagine myself if I was too unlucky to experience that tragedy. Oh Lord protect me and my family, and Heavens! cradle my children against harm. The least thing I could do and offer now is to pray with all my heart for peace to those souls claimed by our Creator, and somehow soothe the pain the survivors are now feeling. GOD BLESS US ALL.


My life was out of sync, I was off track.



I got carried away.


I believed I’m in seventh heaven, but, little did I know I was dancing in hell. Unaware of the flame, I continued dancing and enjoying every beat of the rhythm. I got lost with the music. I shut myself in the new found world. Unknowingly, fire was slowly consuming me. I hadn’t realized I am in hellhole until fire devoured half of my soul.


Half of me was conscious, half of me was under delusion.


Thin line between right and wrong was becoming indistinct and blurry.


Neglecting the warning signs flashed before me, I continued claiming the new-found-world. I kept on wandering but thirstily chasing for what I believed can make me happy and complete.


Wandering, chasing, and dancing… until I am frayed. As pain begun to surface, reality became apparent. I became physically tired, emotionally battered, financially broken and psychologically twisted.


Stepping out of the world where I was locked in demanded my superhuman effort. On the process, I became aware of another dumb truth: the thing I thought as my source of strength was, in reality, a kryptonite.


Tossing that kryptonite out of my life was never easy…

Day by day, I ask God’s help to keep me going, to keep me strong.


This instance made me realized that happiness  found from crooked ways never last. Everything was superficial.


But now, I am definitely traveling the right road. And what makes this journey feel so right and wonderful is I am walking hand in hand with my precious kids, I can never go wrong anymore..



walking straight = LIFETIME BLISS ❤

It’s all about FAITH.


We are saved to help!
These trials are His mercies in disguise. Let us keep our faith. We may not grasp its purpose today, but surely God is at work. As painful as it is, in this way He is rearranging our lives. Amidst in these trying times, let us not forget that He is not just walking with us but He is carrying us.

Mellow Yellow Sunny Day..


Thinking of true love on a sunny day..Image

What if one day, i’ll be knocking at your door.. and i’ll be asking, ‘do you love me?’..and no, i’m not sick, i’m not dying, i’m not dead. i’m not soaking wet with the rain, and it will just be a usual sunny day with my perfectly healthy self..would you tell me you love me too?
naa! that’s one stupid question we always ask, but no matter how often it was asked, we are never ready for the answers.. whatever it might be..and at many times, we often get hurt..either the answer was expected or kills..but i’d rather be killed than waste my life without giving an act or two of compassion..if i choose to love, that is because i want to make my existence worthy.. if i have chose to love him it’s because he is worth my life..

Miracles in a yellow shelf…



Sto. Niño de Cebu behind me sacred and secured in a yellow shelf.

Me and my friends Jayvee and Mary Ann had a pre-Christmas vacation in Cebu and the first thing we did was to hear mass at the Basilica de Sto. Niño right at the heart of Cebu City just a month before the Sinulog Festival. It is what Cebu City is famous of, aside from being the oldest city in the Philippines, their miraculous Sto. Niño also makes Cebu very world-wide known. There were so many people hearing the mass and I have seen tourists roaming around and taking pictures of the sacred little Jesus. Cebuanos are very devoted catholics and that is why I understand how they pay tribute to their patron saint. Viva Senior Sto. Niño!!

Luzon- Visayas- Mindanao in just one day!!!



I never can forget the Christmas gift my closest friend, Jayvee has given me. It was a trip to Cebu for four days. At first, we thought the escapade was not going to happen when our flight for Cebu was cancelled due to typhoon Sendong. We were so excited going to the airport only to find out that all flights were cancelled. We were hopeless, ” mura mig bata na gibawi-an ug dulaan” :(. It never came to our minds that our city would be striken by a devastating catastrophe, a tragedy that the people in Cagayan de Oro will never forget. Early Saturday, we again went to the airport hoping for our planned vacation to happen. Gladly, our flight was re-routed fron CDO to Cebu, it was changed to CDO to Manila then Manila to Cebu. That was one great plane ride touring the LUZVIMINDA in just a day. Oh yeah I can say we enjoyed but we hurriedly went home to CDO to volunteer and help our fellow Cagayanons.

Friends <3


I’m the richest girl in the world because of the people I call friends. I know you have friends. I know you’re proud of then too, but I am telling you mine are much better all through what kind of weather. We met and sang nursery rhymes together and now we are all grown ups we still sing the theme songs of our lives, one way or another. Words are not enough to thank the Lord for giving me the chance of knowing my closest buddies. We have nothing but only the truthfulness of our friendship. Why? Oh just imagine nothing but love. Nothing but pure intentions of making each other happy and seeing to it we get together often and exchange sweet thoughts. Going to church together, the dinners, the gifts, the comforting times when the other is tearful. There’s nothing I could ask for. I may not have bank accounts, but I have my priceless jewels, my friends.