The last five tough months of 2nd semester 2011-2012



Being a new student in a big university isn’t that easy. Not to mention the fact that i am way older than my classmates, it was really awkward at first. Fortunately some of my classmates are accommodating so I didn’t really have a hard time being comfortable. My subjects and my subject teachers are nice. Honestly, I am not regretting why I transferred from MSU-IIT to MUST, although sometimes I miss my former school and classmates I was with for two years. Now that I am a MUSTean, I should learn to love everything about the university. I was so happy having good midterm grades, Having two flat 1’s, a 1.7 and a 1.8 and 2.9 for Chemistry 😦 ambot ba jud anang Chem layu ra jud akong kalag ana, though gapaningkamot bya ko kay boutan man pud si Dr. Sumanpan :). I still don’t know with my ICT kung unsa ako grade. Unta e tugot ni Lord na Ok pud unta ako grade :). I had so much fun with ICT coz i really love to write. I prefer to write than solve formulas so I enjoyed the blogging part. We were instructed by our teacher (ma’am Jackie) to make an HTML. Nag struggle ko lite kay adtong highschool pko which was 10 years ago, wla man mi gi tudlu-an ana. nabalaka ko gamay but with the help of some net tutorials and by bribing my cousin with a Greenwich pizza, he gave me some helpful tips so I wouldn’t find it hard to create one. With God’s grace, I was able to pass my project.

Now it’s final exam’s week, of course, study, basa, solve problems, memorize, palaban calculator, atiman sako mga anak, maminaw sa kasaba ni mama, all these little things in life that matter to me the most. Lord thank you for letting me feel your presence each and every day of my life. Now that this semester is about to end, I pray for You to bless my teachers and their families, my classmates and their families. I pray to you Lord coz You are above all things. I cannot put to words my thoughts on how grateful I am. Please continue to protect my parents, my kids and all of mankind. ❤

Well enough for now, I still have to study for my exam. God bless Everyone 🙂

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